To the Au Sable River Property Owners Alliance
The Au Sable River Property Owners’ Alliance is an incorporated, non-profit, voluntary organization of Michigan’s upper Au Sable River riparian owners, as well as others, who are interested in the protection of the watershed’s natural resources. Our membership area runs from the upper Au Sable River, beginning where Bradford Creek and Kolka Creek join, down to the Mio Dam. It includes the Au Sable’s Mainstream, North Branch, East Branch, South Branch, both Big Creeks and all tributaries. ARPOA is guided by a 12-person Board of Directors.1
To preserve, protect and enhance the Au Sable River watershed’s great natural endowments of wilderness scenery, unpolluted cold-water, and stable forest habitat for the enjoyment of future generations.

The Au Sable River Property Owners Association (ARPOA) was formed in the mid-1960’s to, as its mission statement says, “Preserve, Protect and Enhance the area’s great natural endowments of wilderness scenery, unpolluted cold water, and stable forest habitat for the enjoyment of future generations.”
To accomplish this mission, ARPOA has supported a variety of organizations and projects over the years such as Cedars for the Au Sable, the Crawford County Sheriff’s Marine Patrol and Huron Pines, including sponsoring greenbelt workshops, participating in a watershed wide stream bank erosion survey, and partnering in the fight against invasives.
In 2009, ARPOA committed to a long-term project to locate and remove Purple Loosestrife from the river. This extremely aggressive invasive plant could, in time, replace native plants to the detriment of the river if not held in check. The ease with which it propogates and the longevity of its seeds will require monitoring and removal for many years to come.
From 2011-15, as a partner organization of the Au Sable River Watershed Committee, ARPOA helped to fund the hosting of a Huron Pines AmeriCorps Volunteer whose service for the river included, among many other tasks, the inventory and removal of Purple Loosestrife.
We urge you to join the Au Sable River Property Owners Association and with your voices, time, and dollars unite with other property owners to protect, preserve, and enhance our beautiful Au Sable River.