Become a New Member or Renew Your Commitment

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Consider joining the Au Sable River Property Owners Alliance and help preserve one of Michigans most treasured natural resources. Your membership contributions are key to the health of the Au Sable river. Please consider volunteering this year as well. There is strength in numbers. All of your contributions enable us to support long-term programs such as Cedars for the Au Sable as well as newer projects like ongoing efforts to control invasive species, such as Purple Loosestrife.

The ARPOA membership year runs from August 1 to July 31.

Annual Membership Contribution Levels:

____$35 Family/Individual Tributary Level

____$50 Family/Individual Mainstream Level

____$75 Family/Individual Watershed Level

____$100 Family/Individual Ecosystem Level

____$100 Club/Corporate

____$_______.00 Additional Contribution

To renew your membership or start a new one, you can pay online with a credit/debit card or a PayPal account. Choose your membership type:

Membership Renewal

To pay by check:
Print our membership form and mail with your check made payable to ARPOA to: ARPOA Membership, PO Box 15, Grayling, MI 49738ARPOA Membership Dues Form PDF

ARPOA Membership Dues Form PDF NEWDownload

The ARPOA is a 501(c)3 non-profit so contributions are tax deductible according to IRS regulations